Bodywork & Chiropractic Care
Armene Lamson
Marin Ayurveda
Simone de Winter
Parkinson’s Disease
PD Active
American Parkinson’s Disease Association https://www.apdaparkinson.org/
International Association of Yoga Therapists
Yoga Therapy Now
Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
Michael Manzella
Recommended Books
Click on any of the titles below for purchase links.
Bringing Yoga to Life, by Donna Farhi
Yoga for Healthy Aging, by Baxter Bell and Nina Zolotow
Pelvic Liberation, by Leslie Howard
The Living Gita, by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Light on Life , by BKS Iyengar
In Your Elements: A Blooming Ayurvedic Guide to Creating Your Best Life, by Monica Bloom
Suzanne Drolet YouTube Channel
My YouTube Channel provides short instructional videos on yoga poses and "feel good" sequences that my students (and others who find their way to this site) might like to try and practice. Let me know if you'd like a video on a particular yoga pose or technique!